As our week-long coding seminar concludes, it’s time to celebrate the remarkable contributions made by our participants throught our weekend-long Hackathon. From diving into C++ and Qt to exploring systems programming and contributing to real-world open-source projects. Let’s take a closer look at the projects our participants have contributed to during this seminar.



Project: KDE Codevis, a tool for comprehending large codebases.
Contribution: Refactored existing code to reduce technical debt and accomodate future changes.


Project: KDE Kamoso,an app to leverage your webcam to record videos.
Contribution: Ported the codebase from Qt5 to Qt6


Project: KDE Atelier an app to facilitate using 3D printers, and AtCore the service used under the hood for Atelier
Contribution: Ported the codebases from Qt5 to Qt6 with a pending MR.


Project: KDE Artikulate
Contribution: Ported the codebase from Qt5 to Qt6


Project: Ghostwriter, a Markdown Viewer and Editor
Contribution: ArchLinux package contribution


We are incredibly proud of the contributions made by our participants during this coding seminar. Their dedication, creativity, and passion for open-source development have made this seminar a resounding success. As we look forward to future collaborations and innovations, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey of exploration, learning, and open-source innovation.

Thank you to everyone who participated, shared their experiences, and contributed to making this seminar an enriching and inspiring experience for all. Together, we continue to push OSS as a viable alternative to popular commercial software, an effort made easier by the Qt Framework.